- I live outside the United States. What categories do I qualify for and how are my entry fees determined?
You may qualify for all categories in the competition. The international category has been eliminated beginning in 2012 so that entrants from outside the U.S. can compete directly against entrants from within the US in all categories. Your fee will be calculated based on the number of entries you submit and assumed non-membership to the American Institute of Architects (AIA).
- I completed a drawing during my time as a student in architecture school that I would like to submit to the competition. Since graduating, I've added a few elements to it. Will my drawings be classified as a student entry or as a professional entry?
See Eligibility Guideline 1 on the Competition Details Any changes made to a student drawing after graduation will make it a professional entry.
- I am currently unemployed. Can I still submit a drawing to the competition?
Architecture as a profession is notoriously fluid and subject to changing economic conditions. You can submit drawings as a professional.
- I went to architecture school, but now I work for a firm outside the traditional architectural practice. Can I submit a drawing to the competition?
The Ken Roberts Competition intends to recognize excellence in architectural delineation, not the context of the people who create them. Architects and people who work in building design can be found in all kinds of businesses and institutions that are typically not associated with the traditional architectural practice. Professional renderers, engineers, and artists are encouraged to submit work, so long as the drawings are architectural in nature.
- I am currently enrolled as a student, but not within an accredited architecture school. Can I submit a drawing to the competition?
The skillful and creative depiction of an architectural idea is not limited to what takes place in architecture school studio. Some previous winners and finalists have come from diverse art and design schools that do not award professional degrees in architecture.
- I completed a drawing using pencil/ink/paint/charcoal. I then scanned this drawing to a computer and made a few digital enhancements. Will the drawing being classified under the hand-drawing category or the hybrid media category?
It depends. If you edited the scanned drawing only by changing its brightness and contrast levels, then you can submit it as a hand-drawn entry. If you adjusted its saturation level, changed or added colors, applied a filter, or any other change to the appearance of the original drawing, the drawing is considered a hybrid media entry. All entries submitted through the website will be viewed on high-definition screens, and the jurors will be able to zoom closely on the image.
- Can I submit a drawing that was completed with someone's help? Can a drawing have two or more authors?
Starting 2021, KRob accepts group entries. Make sure to enter the group name and the group members in the appropriate fields when submitting your entry.
- Should I show my name on the drawing?
You are encouraged not to. All entries are automatically given a number before they are viewed by the jurors, assuring a fair and anonymous process.
- Must my drawing show a building?
The drawing must simply meet the definition of being architectural in nature. It can illustrate an architectural idea using a wide variety of scales, levels of detail and technical refinement. Therefore a drawing is not limited to depicting a complete building, though many entries do consist of depicting precisely that, usually through the use of perspectives, sections and elevations. Many winning entries are just concept sketches and abstract drawings that visually communicate ideas about space, the built environment, or building assemblies.
- I am having difficulty uploading my drawings to the competition website. What should I do?
Try making your file size a little bit smaller (consult the competition details page to confirm file size criteria). Please email us explaining your problem before the deadline and the webmaster or AIA Dallas staff will work with you to make sure your submissions are received and payments processed.
- I'm a student and I don't possess a credit card. How do I pay?
AIA Dallas will only accept credit cards as a valid form of payment for the KRob competition. Checks or money orders will not be accepted.
- Must I attend the KRob awards presentation?
It is not required to attend. All winners will be identified on the competition website as soon as the jurors announce the results, and winners will be notified via email.
- May I submit more than one physical submission?
Yes, you may submit multiple individual designs, provided you pay the entry fee for each.
- May I submit a 3D printed entry in multiple pieces?
The entry must be in a single model. The awards competition personnel cannot take responsibility for assembling your submission.
- Should I have a description of what the 3D printed model is?
Yes, entries must include process images as well as a written description of the design. This is to prove that the design is genuine.
- I live outside the United States. What are my options for submitting a 3D Model?
Entries may be shipped by mail or printed at a local Dallas 3D printing shop.
Shipping by mail is at your own discretion.
- Besides volumetric constrain of 1728cu.in., are there any constraints regarding material type?
No, entries may be any material as long as it is 3D printed.
- May I submit AI generated work?
AI generated works are welcome in the Alternative Technologies category.
- What if I used AI to generate a portion of my work?
If AI was used to generate any portion of your work, it may only be submitted to the Alternative Technologies category.
Do you have a question that wasn't answered here? Please send your question to us.